- Tiaki Tāmaki Makaurau | Conservation Auckland
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- How-to guides for conservation
- Guide to managing kauri dieback
He puka tohutohu whakahaere take tahumaero patu kauri
Guide to managing kauri dieback
Kauri dieback disease is threatening the survival of our kauri, one of the most treasured native New Zealand tree species. Kauri are vitally important ecologically and culturally.
Getting started
You can play your part by following these steps.
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1. Understand
Learn how the disease affects kauri and why it is so important to protect kauri ecosystems.
Start with these resources
2. Protect
Play your part in protecting kauri forests by preventing the spread of the disease.
Start with these resources
3. Finding a solution
Learn more about what science is doing to better understand and find solutions to the kauri dieback problem.
Start with these resources
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