Photo credit: Jude Hynes
Photo credit: Jude Hynes

Ngā rongo me ngā kōrero hou mō Kawau

Kawau news and updates

Keep up with all the important news and updates on the Kawau Island pest eradication project.

Photo credit: Jude Hynes

The success of this programme initially and long term, depends on the support and involvement of Kawau Island’s community. Auckland Council is committed to working with you, keeping you up to date and listening to your feedback.

This is your page to keep up with all the important updates on the Kawau Island pest eradication programme and some of the environmental outcomes we hope to celebrate in the future.

Sign up for the project newsletter here.


If you have any questions, you can reach us at

Latest update:

View from Kawau Island on a sunny day with a blue sky and a few clouds, with Hauturu / Little Barrier Island in the distance.
Looking out to Hauturu / Little Barrier Island from Kawau Island
Photo credit: Jude Hynes

Update on the project procurement process

We are mid-way through the procurement process for the diverse range of services needed to carry out the removal of wallabies and possums from Kawau Island. We have extended the deadline for proposals to allow suppliers extra time to ask questions about the specifics of this operation and to submit their plans. We’ve had a great response with approximately 13 different suppliers interested in delivering the different services required for this project.

Understanding the timeline: two stand-alone projects

We understand there has been some confusion within the Kawau Island community regarding the timeline of the eradication programme. We hope the information below provides greater clarity.

We have split eradication programme into two standalone projects.

Project one: focuses on removing browsing species, specifically wallabies and possums, and is expected to take approximately two years. Preparatory groundwork (cutting tracks, building fences) is set to begin later this year.

Project two: remains in an assessment phase. If approved, it would follow the completion of project one and focus on the removal of predators, specifically rodents, and if present stoats. This requires further and ongoing discussion with the community before being confirmed.

In the meantime, if you're interested in controlling rodents on your property, contact the Kawau Community Conservation Trust (also known as the Rat Pack). They are establishing a network of community coordinators across Kawau to help landowners and residents work together to reduce rodent numbers. You can reach out to Sharon Harper on for more information.

Argentine Ants incursion

Earlier this year, a new infestation of Argentine Ants was found in Schoolhouse Bay, in addition to the already known site at Vivian Bay. Council staff will be at these sites in October and November to begin monitoring and treatment work in an effort to eliminate this pest species.

Besides being a major household and garden pest, Argentine ants pose a serious threat to our natural areas and wildlife because of their aggressiveness and appetite. Argentine ants form super colonies and can kill and displace native invertebrates that many indigenous species depend on. They will eat lizards, bird eggs and newly hatched chicks, potentially threatening endangered populations.

Steps you can take to prevent bringing Argentine ants to Kawau include:

  • Checking your gear and bags, building and landscaping supplies before heading to the island.
  • Know what to look out for - Argentine ants are often dark honey-brown in colour, fast moving, swarm together and travel in trails.
  • Buy your plants from a Plant Pass certified nursery. These nurseries follow biosecurity procedures to help reduce the risk of pests being transported to Kawau Island. Find your nearest Plant Pass nursery here: 
  • Be vigilant. Argentine ants like warm, dry places. They are often found on the ground under timber, retaining walls, metal or concrete or in plant pots and boats. If you think you have these ants on your property, contact Auckland Council to identify them.
  • For more information on this pest go to
Close up image of an Argentine ant on a sandy leaf.
An Argentine Ant

Getting ready for Summer: boat and travel tips

Heading to Kawau to get the house ready for summer? Make sure you’re not carrying any unwanted stowaways with you.

Check your equipment, gear and boats: rodents, ants, plague skinks, and weeds are emerging with the warmer temperatures and may hitch a lift. Give your gear a good shake out if it’s been stored over winter before you pack.

Clean your boat and gear: look for biofoul (plants, algae, small animals) on your hull and dirt on your shoes or tramping gear. Any gear that’s been used in areas where kauri grow could carry kauri dieback disease, seeds or pests. Clean dirty gear and footwear to remove all soil and seeds.

Close all food containers: pack food into sealed containers and then zip up bags to keep pests out.

You may encounter one of our hard-working biosecurity dog teams at Sandspit. They play a crucial role in inspecting for potential pests, often assisting Pest Free Warranted Operators. Dogs are chosen for their thoroughness, speed, and non-invasive approach to checking risk goods. Conducting biosecurity checks before travel to Hauraki Gulf islands helps mitigate the risk of introducing pests, which, once established, can be extremely challenging to eradicate.

For more info check out


Rosie the biosecurity dog and Rochelle, Rosie’s handler, standing in front of a boat at Sandspit Wharf, checking for any pests in materials, before they are loaded to be taken to Kawau island.
Rosie and Rochelle at Sandspit Wharf checking for pests

Property permissions meetings

A reminder that the Island Conservation team are in the process of discussing property access permission with landowners for the wallaby and possum work. If you haven’t heard from one of the community liaison team or would like to touch base again, please reach out by email to organise a time to discuss the project and property permissions.

Previous updates