Know your iwi
Find information about mana whenua of the Auckland region, from a conservation perspective, to help you better understand and work alongside our Te Tiriti o Waitangi partners.
Mana whenua interests are represented by 19 iwi (tribal) authorities across Tāmaki Makaurau and the greater Auckland region.
In this section you can find more information on the mana whenua of this region:
- Who they are
- Their environmental values and priorities
- Native species of particular importance
- Environmental work they're doing
- How to work with them.
Read the Engaging with mana whenua section to find out how Auckland Council can support engagement between iwi mana whenua and individuals, groups and organisations interested in, or carrying out conservation activities. Use the Contact us button below to find out more.
Important note: the detailed conservation-related content below (the three clickable 'tiles') will be added to over time, as mana whenua priorities and capacity allow.
Information on the remaining 16 mana whenua:
- Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki
- Ngāti Manuhiri
- Ngāti Maru
- Ngāti Paoa
- Ngāti Rehua Ngāti Wai ki Aotea
- Ngāti Tamaoho
- Ngāti Tamaterā
- Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua (PDF, 3.8MB)*
- Ngāti Wai
- Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara
- Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei
- Te Ahiwaru
- Te Kawerau ā Maki
- Te Patukirikiri
- Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua
- Te Uri o Hau
*Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua do not have a website. This public document is a Cultural Values Assessment Report where the iwi share relevant information in the context of a proposed private plan change in Waiuku.
Related information
- Auckland Plan 2050 - The hapū and iwi of Tāmaki Makaurau
- Te Puni Kōkiri - Te Kāhui Māngai (Directory of Iwi and Māori Organisations) - information on iwi authorities
- Māori maps - find your way to the tribal marae of Aotearoa / New Zealand through maps, information and photographs.
Resource consent consultations
This information is intended for conservation purposes. For resource consent consultations, follow the correct process by visiting the Auckland Council webpage Prepare your resource consent application to find out:
- what you need before you apply for resource consent
- about preparing a resource consent application
- when to consult with mana whenua.