Pae o te Rangi Regional Park Wetland
Size: 0.4 hectares
Site description
Pae o te Rangi is part of the Waitākere Ranges Regional Park. It is situated in a small, north-facing branch of Te Henga / Bethells valley at the northern end of the Waitākere Ranges.
The wetland in this area is bordered by native plantings which include flax for cultural use, mown grassland, and grazed pasture. Surrounding hillslopes are covered in a mix of pasture and regenerating native forest and scrub. The native vegetation forms part of the northern edge of the forest-clad Waitākere Ranges.
The wetland is in two semi-connected parts with a narrow strip of plantings and a shallow drain and watercourse separating them. It plays an important role in filtering water draining from the surrounding grazed hillslopes and removing sediment and nutrients before the water flows into the nearby Waitākere Stream. The Waitākere Stream merges with two other streams and becomes the Waitākere River not far downstream from the park.

Key ecosystems
The ground within the wetland is slightly undulating and the natural hydrology is altered by existing drainage channels. This produces patchy, unpredictable wetland vegetation patterns. The vegetation is mostly a degraded form of Machaerina sedgeland (WL11) with a large patch of rautahi (Carex geminata).

Habitat value
Despite being a little degraded, the wetland provides habitat for native species such as:
- tūī (particularly when the flax is in flower)
- mātātā (fernbird).
Restoration needs
The wetland would benefit from:
- a restoration programme to restore natural water levels
- weed control to allow natural regeneration of native wetland species
- the exclusion of vehicles in and around the edge of the wetlands to protect vegetation.